The Arkansas Scholarship Lottery USA is a significant source of funding for students in Arkansas, providing an array of scholarships to support its residents’ educational ambitions. Since its establishment in 2009, the Arkansas Scholarship Lottery has been a source of hope, raising over $1.3 billion in proceeds and granting scholarships to more than 720,000 individuals.

This initiative underscores the profound impact of the lottery on education within the state, making higher education accessible to countless students.

At the heart of the Arkansas Scholarship Lottery’s mission is the Arkansas Academic Challenge Scholarship, which is designed to assist Arkansas residents in pursuing higher education. This flexible scholarship program extends its benefits to many students, from those just exiting high school to adults returning to college. The significance of this scholarship lies in its broad eligibility criteria, catering to the diverse needs of Arkansas’s student population.

Arkansas Scholarship Lottery USA Benefits

The benefits of Arkansas Scholarship Lottery USA funded by the Arkansas Lottery extend beyond financial assistance. They provide vital support that enables students to focus on their studies, participate in extra-curricular activities, and prepare for their future careers without the burden of excessive debt.

  • Year 1: Up to $2,000
  •  Year 2: Up to $3,000
  •  Year 3: Up to $4,000
  •  Year 4: Up to $5,000
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Available Courses

Arkansas Scholarship Lottery USA applies to a wide array of study programs within accredited institutions in Arkansas. Whether students pursue science, arts, engineering, or any other field, these scholarships offer the financial backing to make their educational goals a reality.

Eligibility Criteria

Eligibility for the Arkansas Scholarship Lottery USA includes residency in Arkansas, academic achievements, and enrollment in eligible education programs. Additionally, all applicants must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to qualify.

  1. Arkansas Residency: Must be a resident of Arkansas for at least 12 months before enrollment.
  2.  Academic Status: Open to high school graduates, current college students, and adults returning to college.
  3.  Degree Pursuit: Applicants must aim for a degree or certificate that leads to a recognized academic credential.
  4.  Educational Achievement: Must have yet to earn a baccalaureate degree or accumulate 120+ semester credit hours.
  5.  FAFSA Completion: Mandatory completion of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid.
  6.  Legal and Academic Standing: Must not owe refunds on federal or state educational grants, exceed federal loan limits, be incarcerated, or have defaulted on educational loans.
  7.  Selective Service Compliance: Males must comply with the U.S. Selective Service registration requirements.
  8.  Drug-Free Certification: Applicants must certify to be drug-free.
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Required Documents

To apply for the Arkansas Scholarship Lottery USA 2024, you may need:

  1. Proof of Arkansas Residency: Documents to verify residency status.
  2.  Admission Acceptance: Acceptance letter from an approved institution of higher education.
  3.  Academic Transcripts: To show current or most recent academic achievements.
  4.  ACT/SAT Scores: If applicable, to meet certain academic criteria.
  5.  FAFSA Submission Confirmation: Proof of completed Free Application for Federal Student Aid.
  6.  Selective Service Registration: For male applicants, as required.
  7.  Drug-Free Certification: A signed statement or form as part of the application.

How to Apply

The application process for the Arkansas Scholarship Lottery USA is primarily online, with detailed instructions and forms available on the Arkansas Department of Higher Education’s portal. We urge prospective applicants to meticulously review the requirements and ensure their applications are submitted within the specified deadlines. Applicants should:

  1. Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to assess eligibility for federal financial assistance.
  2.  Apply through the Arkansas Department of Higher Education’s Scholarship Application Management System (SAMS), available at
  3.  Follow up with required documents and additional information as requested by the Arkansas Department of Higher Education.
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Apply Now

For more information and to apply for the Arkansas Academic Challenge Scholarship, visit the Arkansas Department of Higher Education’s portal. We wish you all the best!